Here are a few reports of recent events
Whilst we are in this lockdown we are holding some quiz evenings on ZOOM, the first was Wednesday 6th Jan and the quiz master was our Hon. Secretary Mrs. Helen Coker. Check the home page and whats on pages for the latest quiz nights.
The recent zoom party was quite fun with many guests and a great contributions from our entertainers on the night
The Not the Point to Point Challenge
Hound Races - A video start to finish

Hound Racing - The Full Film
Boxing Day
Check out the videos from the Rowhay ride!
Hit the menu button for more videos

Romsey Show
This was a day to remember - the Hunt put on a display of Trail Hunting in the Main Arena
A little fun from the first Covid Lockdown

The Loo Roll Challenge
A Tiger Trap was constructed By Mr Robert Grover, carried into the ring by himself, Marten Olden and myself, we arranged a for the field to enter the ring and the Huntsman Mr. Stuart Pocknell with Mr Tom Parker MFH who displayed the hounds following a trail around the main arena.
The Hound Show day is very important the South of England Hunting Community.
Its a lovely day out for many members of our hunt who travelled over to The south of England Showground.