Come hunting with us!
Foot and car followers
We have a strong band of regular foot and car followers that form a true core of the hunt. Following on foot can be as interesting and exciting as following mounted on a horse.
The Hursley Hambledon welcomes new followers, whether mounted or in cars or, indeed, on foot! You do not need a 4x4; just follow in your car and, when necessary, park sensibly, with consideration to other road users and to property owners, don your wellies and follow for a while on foot. There is always a regular car/foot follower around to follow or ask, if you don’t know where you’re going, where you are, or indeed, what’s going on!
If you come to the meet and decide to follow the hounds we ask that you pay the foot follower's day cap of £5. Please give your cap to the Hunt Secretary at the meet.
Some do's and don'ts:
Foot Followers
In the light of past publicity regarding cattle harming humans, foot followers – with or without dogs – must not enter fields which have cattle in them.
Dogs should be kept in cars at meets to avoid the spread of kennel cough to hounds. Dogs must be kept on leads at all times following the hunt.
Car followers
General common sense applies! Do not delay or impede other traffic or block gateways. Stay behind the huntsman and hounds and switch engines off so as not to interfere with scent. Park sensibly at all times.